As you can tell I have let this blog go a little longer than I had anticipated. I thought I would take the opportunity to do some major catch up while Joe is at his overnight with Grandma and Grandpa. We had a wonderful White Elephant Party to attend last night courtesy of our good friends the Clarks, and we needed to have Joe stay the night at Grandma's.
Ok, so what has happened the last 3 months? Well, Joe has mastered the art of sitting up, pulling himself into his sitting position when he is lying down, crawling and also he has started to try to pull himself up. We have met Santa, been to Nordstroms too many times to count, had play dates, gotten through 2 vicious colds (why are they always worse in babies?), welcomed new friends Baby Abram and Baby Jordan, and also a new cousin Marco. We also have moved to the regular tub for baths and he loves it! We did buy an Elmo faucet cover and it drives him nuts that he can't grab Elmo. I have to say I wasn't prepared for how SLIPPERY he is in the regular tub! It is quite hilarious....any suggestions out there moms??? It has been an exciting couple of months and I wouldn't change a thing.
So far we haven't hit the separation anxiety piece, but all of the books that I am reading say it is on its way.......we shall see. Enjoy the pics below!
6 months |
Halloween |
Santa! |
Holding Baby Marco's hand |
7 months-GO CARDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
8 months! |