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Wednesday, April 27, 2011

The hardest week yet............

This has been the hardest week I think yet.  We have had some 12 hour blasts of no sleeping, and some 1 1/2 to 2 hour times in between feedings.  I have received a lot of advice, some conflicting, and have tried to implement some of the changes.  A successful suggestion was to change the sound machine I have.  I registered for one that had music and nature sounds.  I also was given a sound machine at a shower that had music and white noise on it.  Well I have ditched the one I registered for and gone ahead and switched to the White Noise sound machine.  I believe it is working better and my pediatrician confirmed that thought for me when he stated he used the "white noise" sound machines for his kids.  Check that off the list as a successful change. 
Another suggestion that was given to me was to swaddle him with his arms in.  Joseph LOVES his arms and hands!!!  He HATES to have them swaddled while he is awake, but that is changing this evening.  Starting tonight I am going to take another piece of advice and begin swaddling his arms as well.  I also am heading to a store called Cotton Babies tonight to grab some specific swaddle blankets by "aden and anais" that have been suggested to me as great for babies that are growing! 
This week we also have been to see the doctor twice, and I had to get over that embarrassment and just accept that it is their job to help.  Last week it was for tummy gas, and today was for them to make sure he was "medically" okay and this wasn't something other than being an infant.  The GREAT news is that we also just went ahead and did his 1 month checkup today instead of Monday.  He is in the 75% for weight, height and head circumference.  He is already 10lbs 13oz.  He definitely is a healthy, growing big guy! 
A fun change that happened is he now really seems to know that his legs, arms, and hands are attached to his body.  He is loving his activity mat and kicking and waving his arms.  He also has started some great little "ahh" sounds and cooing noises. 

 On Friday he will celebrate two milestones-his 1 month birthday and The Royal Wedding!  What a bloody great day it will be!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Working and Crying and Smiling Oh My!

My little guy and I had a week filled with highs and lows for week 3.  For starters on the LOW side, daddy went back to work.  This is really hard on me.  I think mainly because of his job in law enforcement he does 2 weeks of days and then 2 weeks of nights.  We have made it through 4 days of him back to work but it is tough!  I think because I feel like I am so alone, especially at night.  I also have had a few times where Joe decides to either cry or ONLY sleep if he is held and that has been quite tricky to be able to maneuver (especially if you need to go to the bathroom, but I figured out a way). 
Another LOW has been the fussiness.  It can really frustrate a person.  He is fussy at different times and it seems he is only fussy around us.  When the grandparents are there to help, or my 2 sisters, he is PERFECT.  I struggle with how to get through those times, but I just take deep breaths.  Any other suggestions mommies???? 
Finally the last LOW is the crib issue.  Joe will fall asleep in someones arms, in a swing, in a vibrating bassinet, and while feeding.  However, the second I put him in his crib 8 out of 10 times he is up and crying.  Any advice????

On a more attractive note, the umbilical cord fell off this week!!  Yeah, no more nasty black thing in the way.  I was also lucky to have it fall off with Mike, and he was able to retrieve it so we didn't have an unwelcome surprise later. 
Another HIGH this week was SMILING!!!!!!!!!!!  Yes, the little guy is smiling!!!  I have gotten him to smile twice with responding to me, but the other times he smiles mostly while he is feeding.  All the books that I am reading say these are true smiles and not gas.  Also he is experimenting with when to smile.  I LOVE it when he is smiling and alert.  He also has been focusing more this week and that is exciting.  He really likes to stare at his mommy and daddy. 

My last HIGH is how well my two dogs are doing with our little guy.  Trigger is 80lbs and Sadie is 60lbs.  They both have been great with Joe and are very content with him.  Trigger does what I call a "perimeter patrol" around the nursery.  He has different sniff checkpoints.  Sadie is not quite as smart as Trigger so it actually took her a week to figure out we even had a baby in the home.  Her favorite thing to do is sniff Joe with her cold, wet nose.  I am hoping things stay this way and there is never an issue. 

Questions for the week are embedded in the above paragraphs...feel free to comment, or offer any advice.  One question I do have concerns the emotions and crying...If anyone is brave enough to tell me how long does this last???  I have a couple of crying spells a day.
Have a great week........

Thursday, April 14, 2011

The Birth Story and weeks 1 & 2

Writing for me has never been a huge outlet.  However lately I have been feeling I don't have anything that is mine, so I thought about starting a new project.  I had my job, but I have been off since March 7th, and an active social life, but that had to stop because of bed rest.  So today I decided it may be a good idea to write about my new baby and being a new mom.  I feel as though I am going through this blind and maybe other new moms, and experienced moms can relate to what I go through this first year.  I also feel like this could be a great way to get advice and have other moms let me know hints, tips and tricks.  Since Joseph and I are heading into week 3, I figured my first post could be more of a catch up of what has been happening so far.

The Birth Story-Joseph's due date was April 4th, however he arrived March 29th.  I was admitted to the hospital March 28th and given Cervadil.  This medication ripens and softens the cervix to get it ready for birth and is followed by being induced.  When I arrived I was 2 cm dilated, 50% effaced, and his head was at -3.  Within an hour of the Cervadil I was 3 cm dilated.  I was given an Epidural because I felt a lot of strange pains which were contractions.  I tried to go as long as I could, but maybe subconsciously II knew something was wrong.  At around 4am the contractions were coming back to back and my blood pressure was skyrocketing.  After intense monitoring, Joseph's heart rate began to drop as well.  The doctor was able to get that under control, but then my blood pressure dropped to 69/41, and the decision to do an emergency c-section was made.  After the operation we found out that our baby was truly a miracle!  His cord had a slip knot in it, resembling a pretzel, and every time he moved into the birth canal it tightened and straightened.  If we had done a vaginal birth he probably wouldn't have made it, and we wouldn't have our beautiful baby boy. 

My first look at Joseph Mario with his Dad.
Week 1-  This first week took place in the hospital for 5 days, and at home for 2.  The hospital experience was pretty easy and nice.  I had many visitors and a lot of help and advice from the nursing staff.  I even gave in to the professional photographers that came by and took pictures!  I began breastfeeding right away and he took to it pretty well.  The lactation consult was extremely helpful and visited twice.  I cried when we took him home and was very emotional.  I kept asking myself could I do this?  Was I ready to be a mom?  What if I messed up?  Am I really prepared?  Did I read enough information?  Did I ask the right questions?  I still ask myself questions such as those every day, but I have began to accept that I can do this, and I will make mistakes. 
Week 2- Week 2 brought on sleepless nights, breast feeding all the time, trying to do a schedule (ha!) and a family tragedy like none other.  My last living grandparent fell down our stairs while visiting Joseph.  She was brain dead and died at the hospital.  I never thought I would be attending a wake and a funeral his 2nd week of life.  I was extremely close to my grandma and talked with her at least once a week on the phone and saw her several times a month.  On the positive side she spent an amazing hour with him and right before it happened a beautiful picture was taken of the two of them.  I would post that picture but I have not had the courage to look at it yet.  When I can I will post it. 

So I promise to not make all posts this long and winded, but like I said I figured I would do some catch  up.  Next week will be all about week 3.  Also if anyone has any advice on beginning to introduce a bottle and pumping, I would GREATLY appreciate it!!!